
Sunday, September 19, 2010

GC Superintendent Review of iPad

Well, it's on its' way. Finally got an iPad. I have been very excited to begin using the iPad as a Golf Course Superintendent. There are many apps I use daily on my iphone, but would be so much more beneficial on the iPad. Look for reviews to come for apps such as Parallels Mobile, iGIS for iPad and others.

Monday, September 6, 2010

iOS 4.1 Walkthrough!!! Mark your calendars Sept 8

All you cyber Supers using iPhone, Sept 8th brings iOS 4.1. Biggest new feature for Superintendents is HDR camera. HDR camera will certainly assist in course photography for your blogs. Will create a much clearer more detailed photo to help communicate your issues.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Golf Course Industry Magazine App

Hey, all you Superintendents, do you ready GCI Magazine? There's an app for that. Listening to Pat Jones in a recent video post, he mentions the ability to read GCI magazine on your iPad or iPhone. I saw this came out in July! I have downloaded the app and will be reviewing shortly!!

Here is the link

GCI Magazine App

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Apple Keynote Today

Apple once again dazzled all of us with a new line of iPods, Apple TV and various software updates. Be sure to download the new iTunes 10 with social networking capabilities. Check out the Keynote!

Apple Keynote

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